To get started with EasyProtect, you can follow the below steps.

  1. Login to your EasyEquities APP or Desktop.
  2. Navigate to EasyProtect
  3. Click on “Learn about EasyProtect”

Here you will find all the information about EasyProtect. Should you wish to continue with your application. Follow the below steps.

  1. Click on “Get started”

Once you click on “Get Started” we will confirm some personal information from you.

  1. Click “Next”
  2. Confirm sharing of information

In the next screen, you will be asked four (4) medical questions which need to be answered by choosing one of the options for each question.

Please note:

Eligibility for EasyProtect depends on your answers. Providing incorrect information could mean that, at the claims stage, your policy will not pay out.

Your answers will determine the outcome of your application, which can either be:

  1. Declined

Unfortunately, you will not be eligible for EasyProtect.


2. Approved

You can now continue with your application.